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Liz Fane

Liz joined our team in 2020 as an accounting ninja. Within a short period of time she also assumed the role of HR and office Manager. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge in construction accounting having worked in the industry for more than 30 years. Although she also wears many hats, her attention to detail is always evident whether its dealing with finances, AR, AP or HR. That’s alots of letters! She is new to Calgary having moved here at the end of 2019 from British Columbia to find something new and exciting and “BAM” she found GiCor. Every day there is something new, fresh, exciting, challenging and meaningful. In her free time she enjoys cooking and baking (has been known to bring a cheesecake or two to Install Meetings) She also is an avid curler, golfer and traveler. Her goal is to work remotely from a small apartment in Paris. How do you say “interior window coverings” in French?

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